Click Here for AI Resources for Educators

Click Here for AI Resources

About Click Here for AI Resources

AI For Everyone and changing the world around us. While it’s important for educators to understand and become comfortable teaching with the technology, it’s equally as essential to ensure students are learning about the ethics behind its use. This collection of resources, from the ISTE Emerging Digital Pedagogies Innovation Leadership Network (ILN), provides resources to assist institutions in establishing protocols, policies, and best practices for incorporating AI in their teaching and learning.

Narrow AI, or Artificial Narrow Intelligence, is a type of machine that performs tasks that would typically require human intelligence. Examples include voice assistants, image-recognition systems, and technologies that respond to simple customer service requests. Narrow AI is based on pre-set algorithms or scripts, but some of the latest advances in the field have enabled it to learn and perform new tasks by itself.

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Generative AI is a more powerful and emerging branch of the field, and can be used to develop complex, interactive systems. Some of the largest providers in the space, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, and IBM are embedding their technology into their workplace applications and deploying it on-demand to millions of users. The Generative AI marketplace is growing rapidly with hundreds of niche providers, abundant venture capital, and massive compute power at their disposal.

Today, the Biden Administration made progress on advancing responsible AI by announcing the National AI Research Resources pilot to broaden access to critical data and compute, while catalyzing collaboration. This is an important step toward realizing the full potential of AI to help solve society’s biggest challenges.

By gokivo

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